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“An excellent introduction, relevant for academics and interested laymen alike.”
Prof. Irene Mittelberg, RWTH Aachen University

“Europe's leading expert in political framing pioneers crucial work with this book.”
Gregor Peter Schmitz, Editor in Chief, Augsburger Allgemeine

“An important book with an extremely high gain in knowledge.”
Gert Scobel, 3Sat Talkshow Host

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“Must read not only for every Democrat but for every responsible citizen.”
Prof. Robert B. Reich, US Secretary of Labor Clinton Administration

“This book is a game changer.“
Prof. Diane Ravitch, US Assistant Secretary of Education George W. Bush Administration

“The Little Blue Book tells us how to say what we need to say to bring about the policy changes Americans need.”
Van Jones, CNN Talkshow Host

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“This book is an intellectual godsend. Fun to read, enlightening, and critical in the best possible sense.”
Prof. Bernhard Pörksen, University of Tübingen, Bestselling-Author Die Kunst des Miteinander-Redens

“Without a doubt one of the most influential contributions to conceptual metaphor theory in the last decades.”

“Fierce, yet not polemic. Easy to read, yet scientific.”

Wehling, E. (2016). Politisches Framing: Wie eine Nation sich ihr Denken einredet - und daraus Politik macht. Cologne: von Halem.

Lakoff, G. & Wehling, E. (2012). The little blue book: The essential guide to thinking and talking Democratic. New York: Simon and Schuster.

Lakoff, G. & Wehling, E. (2008). Auf leisen Sohlen ins Gehirn: Politische Sprache und ihre heimliche Macht. [Engl.: Your Brain's Politics, Imprint Academic, UK, 2012]

Wehling, E., & Sweetser, Eds. (2017) Eds. Gesture Pragmatics. GESTURE, 16(2), Special Issue.

Paper, Chapters, & Case Studies
Feinberg, M.*, Wehling, E.*, Chung, J., Saslow, L., & Malvaer, I. (2019) Measuring Moral Politics: How strict and nurturant family values explain individual differences in conservatism, liberalism, and the political middle. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 6/2019.

Feinberg, M.*, Wehling, E.* (2018). A moral house divided: How idealized family models impact political cognition. PLoS ONE 13(4).

Wehling, E. (2017). Discourse management gestures. Gesture, 16(2), 245–276.

Wehling, E. (2017). Political Framing. In Perrin, D., & Cotter, C. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language and Media. Oxon, UK: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.

Wehling, E. (2017). Von viel Leid und wenig Freud: Reden über Steuern. In Friedel, A. (Ed.). Steuerpolitik, Reihe Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, 67, 23-25/2017 (pp. 4-10). Bonn: BPB.

Lakoff, G.*, & Wehling, E*. (2016). Appreciating undocumented Americans. In Golden, J., Shea, R. H., & Balla, L. (Eds.), Advanced Language and Literature: For Honors and Pre-AP English Courses. New York: McMillan Higher Education.

Wehling, E. (2015). Moral disgust at its best: The important role of low-level mappings and structural parallelism in political disgust and disease metaphors. In Ervas, F., & Gola, E. (Eds.), Metaphors we live twice: A communicative approach beyond the conceptual view. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Wehling, E., Bartlett, J., & Norries, R. (2015). Populism and It's Moral Siblings. London: Demos.

Lakoff, G.*, & Wehling, E.* (2014). Obama vs. Romney: Framing matchup. In Rosenwasser, D., & Stephen, J. (Eds.), Writing Analytically with Readings. (pp. 656-659). Independence: Cengage Learning.

Wehling, E. (2014). Sprache, Werte, Frames: Wie findet man den richtigen Rahmen für politische Botschaften. In Denkwerk Demokratie (Ed.), Sprache, Macht, Denken: Politische Diskurse verstehen und führen (pp. 159-167). Frankfurt am Main: Campus.

Wehling, E. (2014). Mimik, Nonverbale Kommunikation, Kinetik. In Wrana, D., Ziem, A., Reisigl, M., Nonhoff, M., Angermüller, J. (Eds.), DiskursNetz: Wörterbuch der interdisziplinären Diskursforschung. Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp.

Wehling, E. (2013). A Nation under Joint Custody. Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley.

Wehling, E. (2013). Denken in Worten. In Eckert, G., Novy, L., & Schwickert, D. (Eds.), Zwischen Macht und Ohnmacht: Facetten erfolgreicher Politik (pp. 311-319). Heidelberg: Springer VS.

Wehling, E. (2013). Die Gute Gesellschaft braucht die Gute Sprache. In Kellermann, C., Meyer, H. (Eds.), Die Gute Gesellschaft: Soziale und demokratische Politik im 21. Jahrhundert (pp. 121-133). Berlin: Suhrkamp.

Wehling, E. (2012). Preghiere per una nazione malata: Le basi morali delle metafore di Silvio Berlusconi. RETI, 1(2): Scienza cognitive incarnata e modelli evoluzionistici, 106-110.

Di Pietro, S.*, & Wehling, E.* (2011). La glorificazione di Silvio: Un'analisi dei frames religiosi nei discorsi pubblici di Silvio Berlusconi. Communicazione Politica, 3/2011, 321-342.

Wehling, E. (2011). Der gedankliche Abbau sozialdemokratischer Werte: Zur Sprache der Sozialpolitik in Großbritannien, Italien, Österreich und Deutschland. International Policy Analysis. Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

Wehling, E.*, & Lakoff, G.* (2011). Die neue Sprache der Sozialdemokratie. International Policy Analysis. Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

Wehling, E., Lakoff, G. (2011). The new language of social democracy. In Meyer, H., Rutherford, J. (Eds.), The future of European Social Democracy: Towards the Good Society (pp. 93-107). London: Palgrave McMillan.

Wehling, E. (2010). Il nostro pensiero è quasi sempre inconscio (On implicit embodied cognition). Nuova Civiltà delle Macchine, 4/2010, 33-46.

Lakoff, G.*, & Wehling, E.* (2010). Im Land der zwei Freiheiten: Warum wir hören, was wir denken. In Hoffmann, L. (Ed.), Sprachwissenschaft: Ein Reader (pp. 147-154). Berlin: De Gruyter.

Wehling, E. (2009). Politische Kommunikation, die ankommt. International Policy Analysis. Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

Hahn, A.*,& Wehling, E.* (2009). Das journalistische Interview. In Kohrs, P. (Ed.). Deutsch Profile: Ein Arbeits- und Methodenbuch für das berufliche Gymnasium (pp. 334-35). Paderborn: Schöningh.

Hahn, A.* & Wehling, E.* (2005). Die Junfräulichkeit des Gesprächs. In Pörksen, B. (Ed.), Trendbuch Journalismus (pp. 26-35). Köln: von Halem.

Wehling, E.*, & Winckel, B.* (2005). Wissen, wie Journalisten ticken. In Pörksen, B. (Ed.), Trendbuch Journalismus (pp. 76-84). Köln: von Halem.

Hofmann, S.*, & Wehling, E*. (2005). Der kleine Dieter. In Pörksen, B. (Ed.), Trendbuch Journalismus (pp. 126-134). Köln: von Halem.